As Dad's caregiver, Deneen, still had a sick baby, I arranged to go into the office late. I am so thankful for the understanding and flexible staff. It was the Pastor Appreciation Breakfast and Germaine was helping with that downstairs, so she would not be in the front office as normal. And on Tuesdays, Shari has a meeting at her church and doesn't get in until 9:00 a.m. So it wasn't the best day for me to be in late but everyone rallied and worked it out--graciously and with smiles. Sherry McCurley was accompanying Dave to the breakfast and volunteered to come in with him early and man the front desk until the breakfast started at 9:00. Since I didn't get in until close to 9:30 Germaine gave up her own time at the breakfast so that Sherry could join her husband. What giving people I work with! What a blessing they are.
Because I had not been able to serve my soup to the staff on Monday as scheduled, I made another pot and completed them both at home and provided soup for the staff on Tuesday. I am thankful for their grace in my blunder on Monday and how appreciative they were to have lunch provided on Tuesday. Jill Greenlee was so excited that she sent someone out to provide bread to go along with it. So God turned a disaster into a blessing!
I am thankful also that Bill and I were invited to the Elders/Deacons Banquet at the Steak & Ale restaurant last night and that both Shawn and Ryan were able to be home with Popdaddy. It was an unexpected treat--and delicious! Since Bill no longer serves as a deacon I had not expected to be a part of that so it was really a blessing. Again I am thankful for sweet friends--as Sherry realized the situation yesterday and put the bug in her husband's ear that--"Bill and Denise should be invited!" Caring friends are wonderful.
God is so good!
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