I haven't been blogging because for some reason my computer isn't reading my camera card. But today I am inspired to write because I just read Andi's blog and thought blogging isn't just about pictures but our thoughts.
I have also been trying to be more diligent about my devotions. And I am trying to be more purposeful as I am convicted by the book Idols of the Heart and our Sunday School class, taught by Brent. Talk about humbling--to be weekly convicted by your child! I find that even doing my devotions had become an idol, something that made me feel better as I checked of the daily reading. It seems every time I turn around these days I am finding an idol in my life and it can be very discouraging. I find that Sunday morning worship is becoming more and more important to me as I find balm for my soul in singing about God's mercy and grace and love to me, in spite of the sin I commit over and over. And I find my prayer times are deeper as I cry out to God. I guess I thought I would be farther along in my spiritual walk as I approached the age of 60 and am ashamed to admit some of the things I am convicted of should be far behind me.
I praise God that He made me just as I am, warts and all and that He loved me, even in my sinful condition, enough to die for me and daily pours out His grace to me. And especially that He gave me the perfect husband who loves me as Christ loves the church, unconditionally. I am not where I should be but I'm not where I was either (at least a centimeter farther along!)
1 comment:
Amen! It can be discouraging until we remember i is all about Him and HIS work, not ours!
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