Thursday, June 23, 2011

A New Season

I love my job...actually I don't look at it as a job. Almost seven years ago, God softened my heart, and gave me a desire to serve my church as the secretary. As I neared the end of my homeschool mom career, I had no intention of being in the workforce again but looked forward to being a full-time NiNi. It was the second time in my life that I felt definitely that God was asking me to do something that I really didn't want to do (the first was home-schooling my children!). Both times I found what joy there is in obedience to a Sovereign God who has all wisdom and never asks us to do anything in order to bring us pain but will take us (way) out of our comfort zone for our good and His glory.

Although I really do find so much joy in servng my church family for the past several months I have been feeling unexplained stress with symptoms of ocular migraines that just wouldn't quit. One evening on a stroll across our neighboring farm I mentioned to Bill that I had the crazy idea of taking the summer off to jut have some home time and reconnect with myself. I fully expected him to talk me out of this crazy idea. I should have known better! He immediately responded that he thought it was a good idea. I took another week or so to meditate and pray on this idea before I put the request to Pastor Dave. He graciously granted my request and this week I began my Sabbatical and chose to make this week sort of a "staycation" and took each day at a time and did something fun. Here's what it has looked like so far: (Every morning started with a wonderful, relaxed, extended time with my Heavenly Daddy...EVERY morning, wonderful!)

Monday: Morning: Walked almost 3.5 miles on the Ma & Pa Trail with a friend I don't know well enough, followed by a long chat in her living room. Afternoon: Picked Bill up at church, drove to a nearby park to put our kayaks in the water with dear friends and outlaws (er, I mean, in-laws) for two hours of paddling around a lake.

Tuesday: Morning: Laundry (okay, not a complete staycation!) and a 30 minute 2 mile walk/jog. Afternoon: Six hours of fun with grandchildren, getting to know the new chicos and catching up with the old, mostly having fun making crafts and loving hearing, "Abuelito NiNi!, Abuelito NiNi!" when help was needed. Discovered that even though we don't speak the same language, there are many other ways to communicate...and laughter breaks through the language banner! (Jonathan laughed at me...a lot!)

Wednesday: Morning: Zumba class Afternoon: Five hours reading and crafting with more grandchildren (the ones that all speak English!), then home, dinner and our small group meeting.

Thursday: (today) Spent the day with a friend and her daughter strolling through Longwood Gardens, talking and relaxing and enjoying all the creativity of our Creator God. Late afternoon: Grocery shopping (again...not a total staycation) and home. Hobby took pity and treated me to dinner out! Yea!

Tomorrow: Bill is taking off and we need to spend some time pricing donated items for a flea market on Saturday to raise money for mission trip planned for August. Then what? Ideas include: picking cherries at the orchard one street over from our house, relaxing at the pool, kayaking...or whatever we feel like!

This weekend I plan to spend some time writing down things I want to accomplish this summer. Ideas off the top of my head:

  1. Read Les Miserable (the 830 page version) completely...this will be my third attempt. I have estimated that to do this I will have to read 20 pages a day

  2. Paint trim in rooms we have painted but never got around to finishing.

  3. Finishing kids' room tree that friend Kim helped me paint almost two years ago. I need to stencil on the leaves and birds, etc.

  4. Paint kitchen cabinets.

  5. Declutter office, bedroom closet, etc.

  6. Conduct NiNi Camp (a little differently this year!)

  7. Camp

  8. Help Kimberly after baby arrives

  9. Train for a 5K

  10. Other ideas?

I hope to use this blog forum to chart my progress and keep me accountable., which I will need, because after writing the above I am already tired! Above all, I just want to have time to step back and take a look at my life and be willing to hold things lightly rather than making God pry them out of my fingers and listen to God with new ears and see Him with clearer vision. My hope is that I will be better able to serve my church family after this time away and will give others a chance to be blessed by serving in my stead.